Monday, April 20, 2009

Quick Pics Before Bed

So I feel like we have come a long way in this last month.  Emma will be seven months old in a couple of days and she has been growing fast.  Here is what we have been up to lately...

We had a picnic in the backyard for dinner tonight.  Emma loves being outside and playing in the grass.  We were given a backpack carrier for Emma and she loves hanging out in it.  We have gone for many walks in it and it is also a favorite of Gramma and Grampa Hunter.

As you can see she is growing well.  I think I said that she was over 17lbs at her six month check up.  Lately she has felt heavier.  I was talking to my coworker Mandi and she described this phase as being dense and that is the best way to describe it and it seemed to have happened over a weekend.  On Friday it was easy just to sweep her up into our arms, now there seems to be a bit more resistance.  

Have I mentioned she loves being outside?  We went for a walk to a local park and she went down the slide with Poppa and we played in the grass for a while.

Easter was fun and she looked too cute for words.  Thanks to G-ma Calhoun for the dress.  Emma and cousin Kayla had matching dresses.  Who would have thought you could find the same dress in a size 12month and 7.

So, we don't like carrots... or sweet potatoes.  But we like avocado and bananas.  Go figure.

Well, that's it for now.  It is way past my bedtime that is for sure.  Until next time!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Name is Emma and I'm 6 Months Old

We've made it!  6 months old and everyone is still alive and we are all happy.  Last Saturday we were playing with Emma on our bed wishing we were still sleeping.  With a sly smile Jeff said "I don't think I have slept in in six months".  With an even slyer smile I said "I don't think I have slept through the night in six months..."  Hee hee hee, I win!  I win the pleasure of seeing Emma multiple times in the dead of night.  It is a fabulous prize.  Definitely a motherhood prize.  Yeah for phases!
 Emma is really active and so wonderful.  People ask me how she is doing all the time and the answer is always "She is wonderful".  She is rolling over and sitting up by herself.  We have had a couple of good head bonks but nothing serious.  I finally started sticking her in a laundry basket with a blanket and some toys while we are doing chores just to make sure she doesn't launch her self to the floor.

I have been back to work since mid January and it is going pretty well.  We are truly blessed to have a group of folks taking care of Emma which makes it way easier on me.  It was a little bit of a transition but I know Emma thoroughly enjoys her new friends and the chance to get out of the house.  We have successfully beat our first ear infection and I think we are on the way to seeing some teeth soon.  

We have officially started rice cereal and she gobbles it up.  These are pictures of our first foray into solid food.  We will be trying some new flavors after our 6 month check up.  We have let her suck on a cucumber and apple and she got very excited about it so I think introducing solids will be full of fun and laughter.  Until next time!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our Growing Girl!

Our little girl is getting so big.  Looking at these pictures I am reminded how fast she is changing and that two months is far too long to not have posted anything and for that you have my sincere apologies.  Right now Emma is over 16 pounds and just around 25 inches long.  She is doing well holding her head up when on her belly and we are fine tuning our ability to sit up by herself.  Her newest enjoyment is getting mommy squeezes.  When I leave for the day I pick her up and give her some quick hugs while saying "squeeeeeeeze, squeeeeezy, squeeeeeeze!"  She just laughs and smiles.  

She has quite the personality for such a little body.  She is getting very vocal and you just can't teach a 4 1/2 month old the difference between our outside voices and indoor voices.  She laughed for the first time when we were out at Camp of the Cascades with our high schoolers.  We got some of it on video and I might be able to persuade my wonderful hubbin to help me post it for you all.  Until next time!