Saturday, December 13, 2008

First Bath at Gramma H's

Emma has had a number of first this week.  This is her first bath at Gramma Hunter's.  The other day I was home alone with Emma and needed to give her a bath so I decided to try and see if she would tolerate going into the bathtub by herself.  So I put a small amount of water in the tub and went for it.  By the end of the bath she was so happy and was able to lay in the tub and the water only came up to her ears which worked beautifully.  We tried it again this time and I think we have a winner.

Emma has started wanting to stand all the time.  And when I say stand I really do mean stand.  All you really have to do is help her balance and she does the rest.  She tried standing in the tub and as you can imagine slipped all around. 

Look at all that hair!  You can fully appreciate the amount of hair this child has when it is wet.  When she lays in the water it floats out from her head like a halo.  Right now it is light brown with beautiful red and gold highlights.

This is how our bath times end.  You would think this is how they would start or something but no, when we pull her out of the tub she is always disappointed.  It doesn't matter if the bathroom is warm or if we have a towel waiting to dry her off she always looses it when bath time is over.  Perhaps we have a swimmer on our hands...

Emma's First Ferry Ride

Emma has now officially ridden the ferry.  Yesterday we went to Seattle with Jeff's mom, dad, big bro Jeremy, and sister-in-law Lindsley.  We had a wonderful time and wore Emma out in the process.  She has been very sleepy all day today.

We entertained ourselves on the ferry ride taking photos of Emma.  She was very obliging and we had quite a few giggles out of her.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Computer Geeks

Okay, so I guess we are starting a little early but Emma loves anything with a screen. She has been having some tummy troubles and feels better when she is on her belly. After I fed her Jeff took her off my hands but I still wanted his help to figure out some file issues on my computer before he left for a meeting at church. He took care of both at the same time. When I turned around I about died laughing because Emma was totally into what Poppa was doing. Yesterday I found out that she loves black and white movies and can "see" them from much farther away than anything else.

It is pretty comical because she will pick out a screen (computer, tv etc) anywhere in the room. A couple weeks ago we were at the Hunter parent's home and we started iChatting with Jeff's bro Jeremy. We showed Emma to him and she was mesmerized by him. They sat for a while making faces at each other.

As a side note, Emma is now 12.5 pounds and 23.5 inches. My little girl is getting so big!

Emma's First Christmas Tree

Our house is almost completely decorated for Christmas. There are a few things that won't go up this year but I am happy just to have the tree up and decorated. Emma was pretty happy to hang out with Poppa in her front pack.

This is the first year that we have the tree in front of a window that you can see from the street so we decorated it all the way around. I always thought we had a lot of ornaments and we do if you are only decorating one side. I will be hitting the after Christmas sales for some fun ornaments this year to make sure we have enough for next year. I like to put tinsel on the tree as well but that may have to wait until next year. As you can see fun was had by all. ")

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Play Mat

Jeff's mom Linda bought Emma the Little Einstein's play mat and gave it to her over the Thanksgiving vacation. It comes with a star that plays music and lights. Every time we have put her under that little star she starts giggling and laughing with out fail. I don't know what it is about it but she loves it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vacuum Cleaner Possessed

So, we borrowed a robotic vacuum cleaner from Jeff's parents to see how it would do on our floors.  We set it up and haven't had the time to program it and such so it is hanging out in between our entertainment cabinet and the closet.  I went to pull out the yoga mat and blanket that we use to play on the floor with Emma and left the closet door open.  Our cat Calvin went in to investigate and on her way out hopped on the start button for the vacuum.  I was feeding Emma in our chair and could only watch in amusement as the robo-vac made its way around the little bit of floor that was available to clean.  It bumped into everything, the cabinet, the walls, the basket, everything.  Finally it got caught up on the blanket and sat there munching on the blanket then beeping for help and I couldn't do a thing about it.  It finally gave up and powered down.  It's kind of hard to see in this picture but the vacuum is the round dark gray disk that is eating the upper right corner of the pink blanket on the floor.  You can just see the closet door that is open in the left corner and the chair I was sitting in with Emma in the right.  The cat hung around ready to attack it for a while but then lost interest.  And there is our tree that only has lights on it right now but we will be decorating it tonight, yeah!  Then I can move the decorating boxes back up to the attic.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Every year we tell ourselves that we will get our tree early in the season and never do.  This year we finally managed it.  We went with Jeff's family and had a blast.  One of the funny things that seems to be becoming a tradition is tree hunting in the dark.  This has been I think the third year that we have gone tree hunting in the late afternoon and haven't gotten done until after the sun went down and the colors had faded from the sky with only the moon and stars to watch us.  And we have done this regardless of who seems to be with us.  So, if we ever ask you to go tree hunting with us in the future know that this is what you are getting yourself into.  We were very successful though and left the tree farm with four trees, one for us, one for Jeff's parents, one for the little bro, and a small one for the cousins.  This is certainly a tradition that we treasure.  I was just looking at our tree as I sit here and was thinking that next year Emma will be much more mobile and that is a crazy thought!  For now I will enjoy her being my little reindeer because it won't last for long.  
Poppa and Emma 
Our favorite little reindeer!
Our tree
What fabulous memories!  Emma really did quite well in the front pack the whole time.  This was during the cutting of the tree and we dropped the binky.
Little Bro's tree.  The tree farm folks said it was a "junk tree" and gave him a deal on it.  I believe it ended up taking up residence in Jono's extra bathroom toilet until he could get a stand for it.  I hear the room mates and their girlfriends were quite surprised.  This is his first christmas tree for his own place.  
See, I told you she did just fine.  :)
Hunting in the dark.  This was the last tree that we found which was for the cousins.  There was a friendly older gentleman who followed us around helping us.  I think it was more to get us out of there so they could go home than anything but he was very helpful if not a bit pushy in an old man sort of way.  But very cheerful.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some Mommy Time

Yesterday was my first outing by myself.  When I say by myself I really mean by myself.  I left Emma at home with Jeff and treated myself to a haircut at Gene Juarez, lunch, and a little bit of shopping.  I only had one moment where I envisioned myself tearing out of a store, jumping in the car and speeding home to make sure Emma was okay.  That didn't happen, it was only a fleeting moment.  As you can see Poppa did just fine and this was the picture I got home and saw.  

~Momma H

Sleeping Milestones

Well, it has finally happened... i think.  Emma is starting to sleep through the night!  At first I thought it was just a fluke and we had worn her out during the day but now I am starting to think it is for reals.  So, nine weeks old and sleeping for more than five hours at night in a chunk.  We put her to bed at 10:30 last night and she didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning.  Amazing!!!  I will let y'all know if it was indeed a fluke.

~Mamma H

Monday, November 24, 2008

I Loves My Poppa!

Does this even need words of explanation?

Blocks of Mass Destruction

We have found a new game!!! Emma has a set of soft blocks that make different noises and have different textures and such. She likes the blue and red blocks the most because they have a soft jingle that she likes. Today Jeff was playing on the floor with Emma and dropping blocks on her tummy and making an exploding sound. The first time he did it all I heard was "blocks from heaven! " followed by explosions and happy Emma noises. It seems like this may be an Emma and Poppa game that will be around for a while.

Cheesecake Factory

Our friend Nic celebrates his birthday in November and we often meet at The Cheesecake Factory for a celebratory dinner. We all eat too much, Nic orders a fruity drink that we all make fun of and we leave looking forward to meeting again. We hve found that ordering and feeding Emma at the same time can be difficult but as you can see Jeff is handlng it in a creativ way. It has been a real treat lately as we have been able to find times to hang out more often lately. This group of friends has been together since high school and we live all over the Sound so getting together can be tricky.

~ Mama H

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bumbo Adventures

Emma is officially strong enough to sit in her Bumbo chair!  The instructions say that your baby should be able to hold their head up before using the chair.  They say that should be around 3 months or so but our little Emma has had really good control of her head since she was born but it is really good now.  I just remembered about the chair when I saw a commercial on PBS and a baby was sitting in one.  So, here is our first adventure with the Bumbo.  As you can see, she's not quite sure what to think about it.  But we think it's pretty magical.  Our less than two month old is sitting up on her own.  It makes Jeff think that we should feed her something solid. just because a baby sitting up on her own looks like she needs something to munch.

Lead Now Conference

Our church was involved in the Lead Now conference to talk about leading the 20 - 30 somethings in our communities.  Our little family had a full day at church that started at 5 am and didn't end until we got home around 5 pm that evening.  We, being the cool parents we are, didn't follow one of the golden rules of having a baby which is sleep when the baby sleeps.  We decided instead to watch Home Alone.  It was almost to the end and I turned to jeff and said "are we really that dumb?".  The answer is "yes, I think so".  This photo is from Sunday night, after yet another long day, and Emma and I were just plumb tuckered out.

~  Momma H

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Documented Smile

Having a beautiful daughter and an incredibly talented photographer for a wife is a fantastic thing.  

Emma has been sneaking in smiles over the last week or so, but during Emma's happy morning time, Kristen was able to snap some incredible candids of the little girl having a blast and loving life.  

I hereby present to you the first documented Emma smile.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

So, we have made our first trip to the pumpkin patch with Emma.  We went with our two families and had a great time.  Yesterday our church had their annual Pumpkin Patch party and we went as Mr & Mrs Claus and one tiny reindeer.  There will never be a time when we have eight tiny reindeer.  We will leave that to others and joyfully settle for our one tiny reindeer.  The unexpected result of going as the Claus family is that it proved very confusing for a number of the children that attended the party.  Our Youth did a Trunk-r-treat and our small groups each decorated a trunk.  Many were the wide eyed children that couldn't believe Santa would come at Halloween.  One such child dressed as a lizzard backed away from us after getting his candy from Santa shaking his head saying "not right, not right".  He was about four or five years old.  I had a couple of parents jokingly chastise us for confusing the children which I turned right around and blamed on corporate America.  If Fred Meyer hadn't put out their children's Christmas clothing before Halloween then Jeff wouldn't have seen the reindeer jumper, complete with reindeer antlers on the hood and booties, and thought it was the coolest thing and wanted to get it.  I wasn't so excited about it and after talking with my small group girls we agreed that he should get it only if he promised to be santa for the party.  Of course I couldn't let them go with out Mrs. Claus so there you have it.  We don't have any pictures of it ourselves but I will try and snag one and post it soon.

~Mamma H

Saturday, October 11, 2008

2 Week Check Up

We have had a successful two week check up.  Emma has grown an inch and is now at 8lbs 14 oz.  When we left the hospital she was 8.2 and the doctors like to see that new born babies get back to their birth weight by their two week check up.  Emma is an over achiever already surpassing her birth weight.  We had to go down to the lab and complete Emma's second PKU test (this entails poking her heal and filling a card with five circles with blood).  She was a trooper.  She fell asleep while we were in the waiting room and fussed a bit when they poked her heal then seemed to decide that she wasn't going to make the nurse stop and calmed down.  All in all it went very well.  Next appointment will be her 6 week check up complete with shots.  Our doctor made sure to mention the shots so we could be emotionally prepared for the trauma.  

Emma is still a big sleeper however she is starting to have more alert time between sleeps.  Here is a photo of her waking up process.  We have to unwrap her from her blankets and then she starts her stretchy dance and then wakes up.  We are pretty amused by it.  Enjoy!

~ Momma H

Monday, October 6, 2008

An Explosion of Poop...of Death!

Today it has happened.

That moment we were all waiting for has arrived and it was pretty unbleivably amazing.  

Emma seemed slightly distressed and was rooting around and pushing when this massive explosion came from her tiny rumpus.

Which I was holding in my hand. And she was resting on my chest.  

And I want to share this with you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


We've been missing for a bit and I apologize. I've had a hard time lately getting up the energy to do anything productive of late and the blog has been part of that.  

But that is not because we haven't been busy taking pictures and coming up with some fantastic things that you all would like to know about.  One of those is this video. 

In the womb we all used to get excited when Emma would get the hiccups.  It was by far the most reliable indicator that Poppa could actually feel the little girl squirming around.  

And it's one of our favorite things that she still gets them.  And if you look very closely in this video, you can see her convulsing in hiccups of joy.



Saturday, September 27, 2008

Emma Rocks Hard Advance Screening

We have made a video of the Hunter family for Hard Rock tomorrow to let everyone know we love them and decided we'd give all our loyal blog watchers a pre-screening of the video.

So here it is for your enjoyment.  A pre-screening of "Emma Rocks Hard" before it releases to a KCC wide audience tomorrow.

Baby Bjorn

We have been out for an adventure today already.

We found an almost new Baby Bjorn baby carrier/front pack thingie on craigslist and yesterday and headed off to pick it up today.  I tried a tiny but to get Kristen and Emma to stay home and let me run an errand but they would have none of it.  As everyone was happy and feeling good we all decided to trek over to Federal Way for the exchange.  

And the sunshine today was glorious.  You forget about things like the sun when you're hanging out in the house in an in between haze of sleep/dark/light/awake/food/repeat that doesn't follow any of the usual cues your used to.

Well we picked up the Bjorn which even now is washing, and which I am super excited about because theoretically it means I can attach her to myself and then continue to live life like almost normal but just have a baby buddy which makes things way cooler.  We'll see how that goes.

And then because everyone was still doing awesome, we decided to poke our heads into Target for some goodies we need in her room that we forgot about.  She is now the proud owner of her very own hamper and a pink trash can with butterflies.

I'm catching onto this dad of a girl thing.  Just buy anything with gentle colors, "cute" insect like ladybugs and butterflies, and fluff and you're good to go.  And you know.  With Kristen helping to put it all together her room really does look like a put together girly but not too girly haven for Emma.  The pink trash can with butterflies somehow even fits without being obnoxious.  

Well the ladies are sleeping so I'm off to do something manly for a little bit while I can.  
I'm thinking video games.
Quiet video games.


Friday, September 26, 2008

7 HOURS!!!!!!!!

I am the King of the World!!!!!

Last night was super rough from about 10pm to 2am but we worked through and were still a happy family at the end of four hours of a lot of yelling (from Emma) and crying (from everybody). 

But after 2am we all crashed on the couch and from 2am to 2pm today, I have slept over 7 hours.  
Does it get any better than this?  A beautiful little girl, a gorgeous wife, and enough sleep to feel like a human being.  

She's a sleeper and that's just one more really great thing about this really great girl.

I promise I'm working on photos


Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Middle Name Unveiled

The name has been decided.

And it's predictable for me to say this, but it's amazing.  Which is fitting.  Amazing kid, amazing name, amazing experience.


Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Check it out!  

The homecoming and it is good to be here.  We've got a tour done, a first home feeding, and a changing on her very own Pooh Bear pack 'n' play changing table.  

We've left the cave of baby birth and aren't looking back.

And we just ate dinner, which was a lovely, lovely thing.

Poppa Hunter

P.S. To the "us" that raided our house and made everything beautiful while we were hiding in the cave of baby birth, thank you.  Thank you a million times over.  Really, a million.  

And They're Off

This one's just a short little bonus post for ya, but I thought you might like to know that we're packing up the last of our goodies and getting ready to put the computer in the bag and the Kristen in a wheel chair and Emma in a car seat and make our pilgrimage home.

Pretty cool, eh?

Homeward Bound!

We have jumped our hoops and said the right things and made it through the tests and now we are almost ready to get in our car and head to the house.

Emma can hear beautifully, she can breastfeed, she let them prick her heel and bleed on paper circles, she has been immunized, she's been antibiotic-ized, she has had her first portrait pictures taken, she has successfully pooped little (and big) tar poops, she has---------

Kristen Hunter has just put on her socks entirely by herself with no help from anybody

wet herself and her bed when Poppa was late on the new diaper, she has made it through her first night, and she has thoroughly endeared her self to her parents and and whole ton of other peoples. 

Emma has been busy.

So she's sleeping right now and we're waiting for discharge and all is well with the world.  At least with our little part of it.  

We're still really hoping to get a bunch of photos up on the web for your enjoyment, but Jeff has been slacking and lately falling asleep anytime he gets a chance to do anything that's not take care of Emma or take care of Kristen.  In fact it's not uncommon that both Jeff and Emma fall asleep when Jeff is supposed to be taking care of Emma.  But, and this is an important but, we both have been taking pictures and the pictures almost do Emma justice.  

I'm going to head back to waiting but stay tuned...

We have a video of Jeff and Emma blogging to get up and we have the unveiling of the middle name coming.

Poppa Hunter

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am enamored.  

Emma could very well be the most beautiful person I have ever had the privilege to hang out with.  Seriously.

I mean, she even gives Kristen a run for her money.  

And so I have for you the first official well done portrait of Emma.  The other pictures floating around this blog were taken with a camera built into the top of a laptop.  This picture was actually taken with a camera.  A big camera.  So enjoy.  It's kind of big, but that's the way we like it.

We've just put down Emma and she is sleeping like  At least for now that holds true for our Emma.  
She is an amazing sleeper and we are fast coming to love her for it. We should have 2 hours of sleep now if all goes well.

Poppa Hunter


Well, if all goes according to plan by the end of this post you should see an Emma video.

And you will be able to see that, yes, she is indeed cute.  Very cute. 

And you will be able to see that, yes, she does have hair.  Lots of hair.

So check out the video and know you can check out my brother's mac place in the sky for more goodies at his .mac page
Yeah sleep!  (at this point I think I have managed 5.5 hours of sleep in the last 50 hours of life--Kristen is in the same boat)


I Have Cleaned the First Diaper

And boy howdy was it a doozy.  It stayed contained within the confines of the diaper but she made that diaper work.  

This means of course that we are working on the feeding thing and though it's not perfectly smooth, I think it's going as well as anyone could expect.  15 more minutes of feeding, another look at the diaper and then we're going to make a try for sleeping (not that is would be my first sleep since Emma's birth, she and I dozed in the rocking chair while Kristen was indisposed, I don't think I was supposed to fall asleep like that =)

And Emma has the hiccups!  She used to get them all the time in the womb and Kristen and I would puts hands on her belly and laugh our way through the bumping.  Yeah for baby hiccups.

Family is away getting rested from their massive support night.  Yeah for families.

Alright I'm heading back to see if I'm going to get a chance to improve on my rather dubious diaper changing skills.

Poppa Hunter

Words Are Not Enough

Emma has arrived.  

That is an incredible thing to say.

Emma has arrived.

After an unbelievable journey with an incredible hospital staff, a rocking midwife, and a whole gaggle of family, we have an incredibly beautiful baby girl.  I feel like I'm cheating right now because while Kristen has had to deal with all the post birth falderall, I get to hang out with Emma and deliver her to grandparents and help her bathe and laugh when she gets pissed and cries this hilarious, impassioned cry that sounds like a baby goat on helium.  

She is perfect in all the medical ways and in all the parent ways and, though we definitely had moments we weren't sure we would make it through this delivery in one piece, everything at this point has turned out beautifully.

If you're a person who like stats, she is 8lbs 6oz and 18.5 inches long.  But I'm not sure how that begins to describe the gorgeous baby girl who's hanging out with us right now. 

If you're a person who likes pictures, you're just going to have to wait.  We've got em, bu it'll take us a while to get them up here on the blog.  Though I make a promise (properly calibrated for brand new parenthood of course) that we'll have something in the way of pictures up on the interweb before the day is over.  

Thanks so much again for all your prayers and texts and comments and love.  It definitely has helped to fill us in days where we have been pouring out a lot.

More to come...

Poppa Hunter


So after almost 2 glorious hours of really, really, really hard sleep - at least for Jeff, Kristen spent some lovely time "resting"- Kristen is fully dilated and we did some sample pushing.

And now we are laboring down.  We are hanging in the room, just chatting in the dark while we wait for another 30min or so and the time to really do the business.

Our moms are amazing.  They are camped out in the lobby grabbing some sleep on the couches which is of course not really sleep but still they are cheerful and worried about us.  Yeah moms!

And in my last news for this sample push update, Emma has a good head of hair on her.  My daughter's gots hair!

Poppa Hunter


We are in a whole new world.  

With Kristen having had a beautiful epidural procedure and all the nurse changes and the settling down we are just now getting ready to close our eyes for a bit.

I've been feeling that feeling Tolkien described as "butter spread over too much bread" for a good chunk of hours now and the thought that we get to sleep quietly for even just an hour or two is like... I don't have a good simile right now but suffice it to ay it's amazing.

Some time in the amazingly awful just before epidural moments that seemed like hours, I all of a sudden remembered, JESUS!.  And started an internal incoherent run of non-stop praying.  Thanks for loving us and Jesus enough to keep holding us up before Him for these last hours.  It is unbelievably wonderful to know that a bunch of people who share a lot of love with you are raising up prayers with and for you when you don't have the whatever it takes to even remember to be in prayer.  And that the Holy Spirit sorts out the jumbled mess that falls out of my head when I can't even string a coherent prayer together.

I haven't been able to talk Kristen through much of how great it's going to be when Emma arrives because I keep getting that almost about to cry a river of really happy, big things tears whenever I start to talk about it.  It looks like I'm going to take after my poppa in the cry about big things that happen with my kids.  And I can't wait to take after him in the pray with my kids every night way too.

Sleep well everybody.

I know I will... at least for 45min.

Poppa Hunter

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Resting Comfortably

Kristen has decided that the anesthesiologist must be everyone's hero! She is relaxed and talking easily.  The midwife tells us a nap of a couple of hours will be the next order of business. We'll get back to you with any new developments.
Grandma H

11:00 pm Update from the Birth Center

Well here we still are.  Kristen, Jeff, and Emma are all doing wonderful! Kristen is now fully effaced, and dilated to 4 cm.  After 20 hours (several of those involving pitosin), she has decided that it's time for an epidural.  We are awaiting the anesthesiologist's arrival, and a bit of relief for Kristen from the constant pain. We'll let you know when the epidural is in place and she is resting a bit more comfortably.


So we are continuing to advance.  Labor is starting to get more intense and frequent.  Lots of groaning and breathing which i believe is exactly what they want.  They are going to be checking her dilation again here soon to get an idea of how she is progressing.  Spirits are high and alot more midwife action is going on in and around the room.

Moving Right Along

So i think kinda sums up how things are going right now.  

Jeff: "Hows it feel hun?" 
Kristen: "Pain." 
Jeff: "That was a stupid question." 

They gave Kristen Protosin (a drug that makes contractions more effective and frequent) and its working!  So she has been walking around a bit and is sitting up in a chair for the time being.  Things seem to be going fabulously and the staff here are rocking.

Update by Jonathan (The Youngest of the Hunter Three)

The Chronicles of Babydom! Movies of Joy.

So this is the brother Jonathan that has now stolen the computer momentarily.   We have a quick movie showing the monitor that has the EKG of Emma's heart beat as well as the heart beat sound in the background.   And here is a quick word picture to try to give you the feel and intensity of the moment.

     The lights are slightly dimmed.  The steady thump of the Chillens heart beat rages on the in the background.  Both Grannies are pacing the operation room floor in a controlled panic.  We have about 17 computers scatted about the room in disarray.  Kristen is laying on her left side with a devoted husband Jeffery lovingly and caringly massaging the tender back of the Prego.   We had a angel of mercy, in the form of a Brain Botts, deliver a number of Jamba Juices to slake the thirst of the Kristen.

Enjoy this slight glimpse into the exciting hospital experience.


So we've talked with the midwife and waited to see how things are progressing...
and we're still waiting to see how things are developing.  

The next "deadline" is 6pm.  The midwife's words about Emma coming tomorrow seem to be playing towards true.  Oh poop.  Though I think Kristen feels stronger about Emma's tardiness than we do.

The little brother arrived and has brought lots of laughing and inappropriate humor.  Which is good for Jeff.  Kristen just left for a walk though, so...

It's funny how times seems to fly and move really slowly all at the same time.  I can't believe we've already been here for over 12hours.  Craziness.  

Emma is working like a champ.  Her heart is beating along and everything is gorgeous.  Just slow.  We'll tell you more when there is more to tell.  


Grandma Hunter

Here we are at the hospital waiting on little Emma's arrival.  Kristen and baby are doing well.  During the last midwife visit, we learned that Emma will probably weigh in at about 7 1/2 lbs., and may not arrive until tomorrow...  Momentary disappointment, but glad that the midwife is comfortable letting Emma call the shots for now.
So please keep praying, and we'll keep you posted on what's happening here.

Waiting on the Midwife

Well the parents are here and we're waiting for the midwife to come over and tell us what the next steps are going to be.  If we're progressing well they'll let us keep doing what we're doing, and, if we not moving much, we'll get some goodies to help move labor along.

I'm finding myself obsessively checking for comments so feel free to leave nifty encouraging comments.  We like em.

Breakfast and All Is Well

We're officially settled and even got a pretty solid chunk of sleeping in this morning.  
We're up now and having some breakfast and getting ready to play a rolicking round of the waiting game.  We're just hanging out until 2 or 3 when we'll do an assessment of how things are progressing and decide on what the plan is for next.
Trust me, she looks way better and less drugged in real life...Even beautiful I would say.

With having issues getting the other website to work and moving over to here for updates, I'm a little nervous that a lot of people planning to follow aling and stay updated on the blog will not be able to find us.  So if you've found us here, feel free to pass on the address to anyone who you think might be interested so they don't miss out on the fun 

We're off for a walk!!!
Be back later.

Emma Has Decided She Is Done with Her Bag of Waters

Well, Kristen decided to wake me up from a sound sleep in the middle of the night for only the second time in our waiting for Emma to come, and this time she needed a bit more attention than the first time.

Her water broke at roughly 3am this very morning.  Which has started a lengthy and rather leisurely process which has lead us to right now. where we are camped out in our room here at the hospital trying to ignore the discomfort, nerves and excitement and get some more sleep (I being the genius that I am stayed up playing video games last night instead of cleaning the kitchen leaving me tired and the kitchen dirty). 

The news is that all is well with emma and kristen and now we are in a waiting game for the contractions to catch up with the little girl and her readiness to get going.  They tell us they won’t let us go home until Emma makes her appearance (which is awesome) and that looking at the way things are now we’re going to be here for a long time (which is less than awesome).

Unless your name is mom, we probably won’t talk to you on our phones, but stay tuned here and we’ll update the blog every few hours with goodies and progress reports.  And feel free to text if you like.  We’d love any encouragement by text you have to offer but we probably won’t respond.  Not because we don’t love you but because we’re distracted.

Woohoo!  The adventure marathon begins.  Now if only we liked marathons...