Monday, November 17, 2008

Lead Now Conference

Our church was involved in the Lead Now conference to talk about leading the 20 - 30 somethings in our communities.  Our little family had a full day at church that started at 5 am and didn't end until we got home around 5 pm that evening.  We, being the cool parents we are, didn't follow one of the golden rules of having a baby which is sleep when the baby sleeps.  We decided instead to watch Home Alone.  It was almost to the end and I turned to jeff and said "are we really that dumb?".  The answer is "yes, I think so".  This photo is from Sunday night, after yet another long day, and Emma and I were just plumb tuckered out.

~  Momma H

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a cute photograph...definitely would look lovely in B&W....what did ya'll dress her up as for Halloween and how come no piccies up here??