Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So after almost 2 glorious hours of really, really, really hard sleep - at least for Jeff, Kristen spent some lovely time "resting"- Kristen is fully dilated and we did some sample pushing.

And now we are laboring down.  We are hanging in the room, just chatting in the dark while we wait for another 30min or so and the time to really do the business.

Our moms are amazing.  They are camped out in the lobby grabbing some sleep on the couches which is of course not really sleep but still they are cheerful and worried about us.  Yeah moms!

And in my last news for this sample push update, Emma has a good head of hair on her.  My daughter's gots hair!

Poppa Hunter


Unknown said...

While I am here at work..I am thinking and praying for you. Yay baby!

Anonymous said...

see I think God had a plan he's been training you both for this day through all these all-nighters you've done.=) I'm praying for you...can wait to see you all later!