Thursday, December 11, 2008

Computer Geeks

Okay, so I guess we are starting a little early but Emma loves anything with a screen. She has been having some tummy troubles and feels better when she is on her belly. After I fed her Jeff took her off my hands but I still wanted his help to figure out some file issues on my computer before he left for a meeting at church. He took care of both at the same time. When I turned around I about died laughing because Emma was totally into what Poppa was doing. Yesterday I found out that she loves black and white movies and can "see" them from much farther away than anything else.

It is pretty comical because she will pick out a screen (computer, tv etc) anywhere in the room. A couple weeks ago we were at the Hunter parent's home and we started iChatting with Jeff's bro Jeremy. We showed Emma to him and she was mesmerized by him. They sat for a while making faces at each other.

As a side note, Emma is now 12.5 pounds and 23.5 inches. My little girl is getting so big!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is wayyyyyy too funny....Christopher would always have to be on his belly too, so i would put him in my hands belly down and do "curls" with him, or i would lay on my back and put him on my legs and bounce him that way. It was really the only thing to keep him happy and colic-free! I like Jeff's idea best tho'